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The shop that sells happiness..

It is said that you cannot put a price on happiness, but if i had to put a price on it , i would put it at : Rs 10.
I had gone to the St xavier's feast fair in old goa.. to get a feel of the goan spirit, the buzz of activity, the general feeling of celebration..and because i love fairs.Fairs with there ferry wheels, and trinket shops , and tasty food stuffs are a delight.
The old goa fair lved up to all my expectations. i had khaje, which gauri my friend explained is a sweet made from fried jaggery, i bought a pair of golden ballerina shoes , and gauri bought a pair of red harem pants..things we end up buying only in fairs..
And then we chanced upon a shop that advertised, buy anything for ten rupees only..what happened next is difficult to put in words..
some would say we went into a frenzy, some would say that we bought every thing we could get our hands a kid in a candy shop..
It was something else altogether..
i bought a cutlery set of a fork , two spoons and a knife for 10 rupees. a pen set, a pencil box set with a pencil ruler eraser.., a pair of scissors, a tailoring set complete with 5 spools of thread buttons and needle, a stapler with staple pins..gauri bought scotch tape, nail cutter , hair band, henna cone. It was straight out of a ruskin bond book , a small town fair, a road side shop selling curios-plastic guns , little dolls , kitchen items like knives and forks , wallets and purses.. something for every one, and at the price of 10 rupees.
Some might say that the objects we biught were of inferrior quality , that our happiness , so to say would be short lived.. but then life itself is short and , happiness effervescent. A single moment of child like , uncomplicated happiness , a single fleeting joy ... who knows what lies ahead , it's just the today, it's just the present. A shop sells happiness for rs 10, and people spend millions to find happiness..


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I once bought this amazing coppery silvery purse as a kid..i loved it the moment i saw it..and it cost a lot..and one day i left it on the careless of me..i came home and cried and cried..and thot i'd lost the most precious thing i had..i told my aajoba..and he said..sometimes the happiness that u have for a short while with something makes it more precious than the money u spent to buy it..this reminded me of that..and the fact that even a marble and stick makes a street child i saw today as happy as the PS2 makes my brother..awesome post!!! :)
Akshay said…
Can soooo imagine you in an excited frenzy buying all that u can!!!..Really liked this post..Ur right..A moment of pure unadulterated childlike happiness is something priceless..N I got a bit of it in reading this blog itself!!..
thanks akshay , that is sweet of you.
karishma i can imagine the copper silvery purse, sometimes losing a lifeless object can be as painful as losing a real person..
As children , our hopes, passions, dreams, are embodied in the few and little things we own, like tiffin boxes, and school bags.. or marbles and sticks... losing them is like lossing a part of ourselves.
Anonymous said…
you've written it as lucidly as when you told me about the fair during the ride back.i could hear the gurgling laughter too.decades back in a school fair i bought one ruppee worth jali notes,and my fair allowance was Rs3!
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