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Enough !

For the past week the morning news paper leaves me agitated, filled with disbelief.. making me ask..'is this man for real??' This Varun Gandhi, this upholder of God knows what , this man who stands for every thing which is wrong with Indian politics. Everything! His claim to fame is that he is the son of politicians , which automatically makes him part of the 'Parivar' , his slanderous statements made to instigate religious conflict so typical of Indian politics. This man doesn't seem to have a heart, and neither a brain, which makes me ask is he for real? I mean i understand if he is doing all this for vote bank politics, because then if people are foolish enough to vote for him then they deserve the fate. God forsake, if he actually believes what he says then this man is dangerous to the society and needs to be institutionalised, get his head checked, consult a psychiatrist , because psychopath turned politician may make a sensational headlines but spells doom for a teetering ,fragile India. For days now I had been reading his antics , and was mildly amused , or put it down to a mildly exasperated ' these politicians!' , but enough is enough.
This vandalism goes on bacause we let them, if Mr Varun Gandhi feels that he can get away with it then I think it is our duty to show him otherwise. The only language they understand is vote banks and that is the language they need to be spoken to, hate mail stating that the moderate and rational Indian, every rational Indian will vote against him and for any group that supports him.
I resent Varun Gandhi , for making a mockery of politics, a mockery of the democracy.
I resent Varun Gandhi , for slurrying the honest name of 'hindutva' and twisting the meaning of religion to suit his needs.
I resent Varun Gandhi , for slurrying the name of the youth of India, at 29 he commits the same crime of his predecessors.
I resent Varun Gandhi, for making me fear for the future of this country.
I resent Varun Gandhi, for making me feel helpless at the wreckage he plans. For the tears of frustration i shed today morning, for the anger that I felt yesterday , I resent him for making me fling the morning newspaper in disgust.
I realise that the war is not between people of different religions, but the war is between the radical religious fanatics and the nonfanatics.In these troubled times i feel that we moderates, we non fanatics are the minority , but the time has come to make ourselves be heard , make our vote count, to out vote these fanatics! Be afraid Mr Varun Gandhi , be very very afraid.


a friend of mine, who's in the advertising business says that what ppl like varun practise falls in line with whats known as 'communal marketing'..

in order to achieve the most favourable outcome, varun's strategy team must have advised him to go ahead and target the hindu putting down the other religions apparently..

i just cant believe that somebody like him, who claims to be a so-called protector of ppl, underestimates our intelligence so grossly that he picks that line for selling himself..its disgusting..
Akshay said…
From when have u started becoming so political?!!!!.. M pleasantly surprised.. U must must must read Sanghvis article on him in the Sunday HT.. He mocked his roly poly highness amazingly..
Akshay said…

See if the link works.. u need to sign in.. else have mailed it to you anyways.. ur doc_kuheli address..

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