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The feminine Archetypes workshop


The Power of the Feminine

Ever so often we are met with the question what is a woman?

And the world answers back – WOMAN, you are a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, you effortlessly manage the home and work. You are awesome !

What if the roles we played in people’s lives, and all the work we did at home and at work was taken away- what then would be the essence of the woman?

Here is where I introduce to you the concept of ROLEs Vs Archetypes.


Role is the act of DOING, Archetype is the act of BEING.

Role is in relation to something else- you cannot be a mother without a child, or a wife without a husband.

The archetype has not such rules, you can be a Nurturer without a child– because you can nurture ideas, plants, or other relationships. You do not need a partner to embody the lover archetype – you can live in passion and pleasure for absolutely anything in life. 

The power of archetypes and working with archetypes

I attended a Live session with Tony Robbins one of the most famous motivational speakers of our times. And he shared a story, where he was called by a famous MMA sportsman (Mixed martial arts) , right in the middle of a tournament. He was losing , and needed urgent guidance on how to overcome his adversity and adversary. Tony made this sportsman do an Archetype exercise using the King, Magician, warrior and lover archetypes. And after the exercise, the man went on to win the match, and even hugged his opponent. That’s. the power of working with Archetypes, famous transformational coaches have used this simple, fun, effective tool to help uncover your own genius.

The transformation using Feminine Archetypes

The feminine energy is characterised by flow, and formlessness, and shape shifting. Working with the feminine energy is quite unlike working with the masculine energy of Striving and doing, and relies more on felt senses and embodiment. It is simple but not easy, just a change in perfume, a change of lipstick colour, and a change of hair style can instantly help you embody a different feminine archetype. It is fun, and deeply powerful – almost like Magic !

And so here is what I am going to do, I am going to introduce each feminine archetype and I want you to really feel the qualities, strengths and energy of each archetype.

 The Maiden archetype

Represented by Persephone, Isis.

She is bubbly, youthful, a little innocent, she loves to go with the flow, easy to get along with. Because she lives a life of Playfulness she draws and magnetises ppl towards her. She incites protectiveness in others.She is deeply connected to her Inner child. 

The Lover  archetype

Represented by Aphrodite , and Venus.She is one who is motivated by passion and pleasure.She is able to channel her Passion into creation – whether of other human babies, or other creative creations..because she lives a life of passion, pleasure, She incites passion in others. She is deeply connected to her own sacred eroticism.


The Nurture archetype

Represented by Yashodha, mother Mary.She is driven by the desire to provide compassion, support , nurturing and protection- to people and projects .She incites comfort and safety in others. She draws people who need nurturing. She is deeply connected to her maternal instincts. And her heart chakra. 


 The queen archetype

Represented by Cleopatra, Beyonce. She is a Diva and knows her worth,she loves to form meaningful alliances, and mutually beneficial friendships.She is classy, confident, and comfortable in her own skin. She incites adoration, and loyalty in others.

  The warrior archetype

 Represented by Durga, Kali.She is driven, committed, can take charge, is action oriented, and is a high achiever.She loves a good challenge, she uses her wits, her talents, and intellect and not just her physical strength to achieve her goals.


The High priestess /Advisor / medicine woman

She is able to nourish and nurture herself, and hold a loving space for others to heal. She is a good listener, and lets others unburden themselves, and self-heal in her presence. She is often sought by others for her guidance, her support and her companionship.


The wise woman/crone archetype

An older more experienced woman, she has a vast knowledge and wisdom, and celebrates her true inner beauty and intellect rather than outward beauty and youth. She loves the quite solitude, the finer more refined things in life, and cannot stand superficiality – be it superficial relations or looks.


The good girl archetype-

 the only Archetype that society recognises as the ‘ideal woman’ the one who – just like a good girl – does everything that she is told, follows commands and rules (of society). The good girl archetypes greatest desire is to please people. Her biggest fear is being ridiculed or shamed for breaking the rules.

The wild woman archetype

 Unlike the ‘girl’ the ‘woman’ knows what she wants, needs, sets her own rules, follows her own heart, she is very clear on what is good and bad by her standards.


Goddess Archetype :

She is the alchemist, the shape shifter. She is every feminine archetype, and effortlessly transmutes from one to another, without every losing her core identity .




The feminine Archetypes workshop

The feminine Archetypes 5 day workshop takes you through an indepth understanding of each of the 10 archetypes, each through a fun, immersive,10 minutes informative video.

-      Each video is about 10 minutes packed with valuable information on the good qualities, the over expressed shadow qualities, the chakra activations, the thoughts and feelings that each archetype triggers in us, the obstacles that prevent us from embodying each archetype, and how we can activate each archetype in us.

-      After each video you are invited to journal on the same, using the Journal prompts provided for each Archetype.

-      On the day 4 we do an immersive 50 minute meditation workshop inviting each of the archetypes, through breathwork, dance, music and guided visualisation.

OOn day 5 we integrate all of the learning for the busy woman, so that you can practice a quick 10 minutes energetic archetype activation every day. 

It   Almost 3 hours of transformative video content ! And so much fun and binge worthy, it is almost like watching your favourite Netflix series. 

It is unique, fun, feminine, introspective, a great conversation starter, and will help you bond with people better. 


The workshop is for –

-      Women and those who identify as the feminine.

-      Women looking for a fun way to change your mindset.

-      Feeling stuck because of the sameness of life and routine.

-      Feeling that you are living only through the roles you play in other people’s lives.

-      Want to try a new way to transform yourself.

By the end of this workshop you will -

-      Have an increased appreciation for yourself.

-      Get introduced to your own genius.

-      Be deeply grateful for being a woman.

-      Be able to handle any life situation along with your 10 new avatars.

-      Have fun as you transform your own life.

    Use the archetypes to Magnetise and manifest people, events and opportunities towards you. 

How can you join ?

DM me your name, age , email address and whatsapp phone number on @multidimensional_mom on instagram .

Or email your name , age, email address and whatsapp phone number on

Course price 

Indian  Rs 3333 (Indian)

Us dollar $55 (international )

 payable by Gpay, PayTM , Paypal

NEXT workshop begins 

1 June 2022

1 July 2022

1 August 2022

1 September 2022


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